Gina Tikijian
Member Since 2018

"My family and I recently spent a week at Valley Children's Healthcare when our son, Jeffrey, was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. I am so grateful to have this amazing hospital in our valley that gives such amazing care to it's patients. I love La V and the women that work hard to raise money for Valley Children's Healthcare."

2022 Jessica Diebert

Alli Davis
Member Since 2018

"I feel that our community is fortunate to have an amazing Children's Hospital in our backyard, providing care to our little ones. I appreciate the opportunity to support the VCH cause and mission by serving on the board for

La Visionaria Guild."

2023 Executive Board


Alana Wilkins


Kellie Lewison

Angelica Torres-Corral


Dallas Selling

Kailyn Rankin
​Member Since 2019

"I joined La V because I wanted a way to give back to the community and what better way than helping little kiddos? I have two kids and I want nothing but the best for them, as every parent would agree, and that's exactly what Valley Children's Healthcare offers to each patient. I also enjoy the opportunity to meet so many driven women who are all working towards the same goals."

Our mission is to engage in creative and innovate way to raise funds, advocate for children and promote goodwill for Valley Children's Healthcare.

We are a group of women who believe deeply in the power of philanthropy to save children's lives. When you support La Visionaria Guild and our annual event Fall Affair: "Cocktails for a Cause", you are investing to fund life saving technology, advancing clinical services, providing a safety net for children with little or no private medical insurance and creating a healing environment that enriches the experience of the patients and families at Valley Children's.

Join us and help raise much needed funds for the children at Valley Children's Healthcare.

Lisa Bishop
Member Since 2015

"I joined La V to give back to the children of our valley who deserve to be happy and healthy. Thanks to VCH, they are given every opportunity to do just that."


Our Mission

Why I Joined La Visionaria Guild

Volunteer of the Year Award Recipients

We are grateful for all of the women in La Visionaria. We asked some of our members for their reason why they joined. We love that everyone has a different reason why, but we all have the same goal and that is to raise funds to benefit the patients at Valley Children's.
Brook Gonzalez
Member Since 2013

"I have been involved with children's hospitals for over 20 years. Fundraising for them is very important to me. It is great to have such a fantastic hospital in our backyard."

About Our Guild

Interested in becoming a member of the guild? Great! Email us or connect with us on Facebook or Instagram when you're ready. Our members have certain requirements to keep the Guild growing strong in the future. We have several membership opportunities to fit your interest. 

  • Active Member
  • Sustaining Member
  • Inactive Member
  • Life Membership
  • Honorary Membership
President: Kristin Tristao

Vice President: Dori Chimienti

Secretary: Jenn Moore

Treasurer: Natalie Hinds

Fund Development Jr : Julie Jaurique-Chipps

Fund Development Sr : Brooke Gonzalez 
Sr. Coordinating Council Representative: Lisa Neville 

Jr. Coordinating Council Representative: Jordan Schapanksy

Communications: Mindy Kaur 

Membership Chair: Jazzmyn Ibanez

Hospitality: Sarah Milliser

Historian Chair: Bertha Zamora 

Every year one guild member is selected as our Volunteer of the Year. This recipient generously contributed time and effort helping La Visionaria raise funds towards their endowment.


Gina Tikijian


Dorilyn Chimienti


Lisa Bishop


Whitney DiPinto


Brook Gonzalez


Faith Driscoll


Ashley Crossland


Kelsey Crusha

Dorilyn Chimienti
​Member Since 2015

"Both of my children have been patients at Valley Children's Healthcare and I want to give back to the hospital for taking such amazing care of our children. They saved our daughter's life and we want to raise funds to keep the hospital running and start new programs to help children in the valley."


Kristin Tristao


Chanel-Ruiz Mendez


Teresa Fierro

Deb Riordan